Reymil Fernandez, Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Cal Poly, 2021.
Scott Hazelwood, Distinguished Scholarship Award, Cal Poly, 2020.
Greg Orekhov, 1st Place, B.S. Level Student Paper Competition (ASME BED), World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
HMB Lab, Inaugural Recognition of Most Impactful Sponsored Project, Office of Research and Economic Development, Cal Poly, 2017.
Meghan Sylvia, 2nd Place, M.S. Research Poster Competition, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering, & Biotransport Conference, 2015. Sylvia MK, Czapla NA, Lerner ZF, Tuttle DJ, Schueckler OJ, Hazelwood SJ, Klisch SM. Development of a human knee joint finite element model to investigate cartilage stress during walking in obese and normal weight adults.
Stephen Klisch, Distinguished Scholarship Award, Cal Poly, 2014.
Kevin Yamauchi, 2nd Place, M.S. Research Poster Competition, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2013. Yamauchi KA, Raub CB, Chen AC, Sah RL, Hazelwood SJ, Klisch SM. Glycosaminoglycan and collagen remodeling during in vitro dynamic compression of articular cartilage: experiments and finite element modeling.
Kevin Yamauchi, Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Cal Poly, 2012.
Juan Gutierrez-Franco, NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Award, 2012.
Britta Berg-Johansen, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award, 2012-2015.
Kevin Yamauchi, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award, 2011-2014.
Britta Berg-Johansen, NSF REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) Award, 2011.
Sevan Oungoulian, Honorable Mention, M.S. Research Poster Competition, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2007. Oungoulian SR, Chen SS, Davol A, Sah RL, Klisch SM. Extended two compartmental swelling stress model and isotropic Cauchy stress equation for articular cartilage proteoglycans
Tim Ficklin, 1st Place, B.S. Research Poster Competition, ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, 2006. Ficklin TP, Thomas GC, Asanbaeva A, Chen AC, Sah RL, Davol A, Klisch SM. Development of an experimental protocol to measure anisotropic material properties of bovine articular cartilage
Stephen Klisch, Research and Development Award, Cal Poly College of Engineering, 2005.
Stephen Klisch, Finalist - New Investigator Recognition Awards, 47th Annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 2001